Meet Our Team
Our close-knit and professional staff is ready to assist you with your primary and advanced flight training needs. Our instructors are highly qualified to help you get your wings and maintain your currency.
Shawn Rich, Owner
Licenses & Ratings: ATP, CFI, CFII, MEI, Commercial: ASEL, Rotorcraft-Helicopter BE-300, CE-500, CE525S, CE650, DA-10, DA-50, G-100, G-200, IA-1125
Shawn began his aviation career in 1990, and completed his professional ratings after graduating William Jewell College in 1993. Shawn has flown as a Corporate Pilot as well as an Airline Pilot. He has served as Director of Training and Safety and Chief Pilot in corporate flight departments. In 2002, he started Rich Aviation Services to provide a more affordable training option for operators of Beechcraft King Air and Cessna Citation aircraft, without compromising the quality of training.
Along with managing the day to day operations of Rich Aviation Services, Shawn continues to fly regularly and currently instructs in the Beechcraft King Air, Cessna Citation, Cessna Caravan, and Piper Cheyenne II.
Emily Watson
Since 2016, Emily has been a constant for Rich Aviation. Throughout the years she has worn all of the admin hats and has been a valuable asset to our team. As our Operations Supervisor and go-to gal, she can assist you with questions pertaining to just about anything with a smile on her face and caffeine in her hand.
When she’s not at the office, she’s probably at a youth sports events, a Broadway show, traveling or curled up at home with a book and her favorite cat.
Raiya Sellens
Raiya has been sending smiles your way as our Front Desk Coordinator since January of 2023. Originally from Kansas, she moved to Texas six years ago to escape the cold. Knowing nothing of aviation when she started, she has certainly drank enough of the aviation kool-aid to begin the process of getting her PPL here very soon.
She is always happy to help and give you a laugh even on your bad days. When Raiya isn’t at work, you can find her eating chips & salsa on a patio or reading a book at the dog park with her dog, Hazel.
Chris Fries
License & Ratings: Commercial ASEL, AMEL, CFI, CFI-I, MEI
Chris, originally from Arizona started his aviation journey here at Rich Aviation Services. Starting from zero hours and working his way up through our program earning his instructor certificates. Finding his passion to fly after becoming a Flight Attendant he knew he wanted his own office in the sky. He continues to grow this passion through instructing as he watches his student soar.
When he’s not in the clouds, you’ll find him in a yoga studio, gym or along the Trinity River with his dog Honey Waffle.
Luke Verboski
License & Ratings: CFI, CFII, Commercial ASEL
Luke began his aviation journey in 2019, and obtained his Commercial ASEL and CFI in 2022.
He is from the Fort Worth area and did all of his training at Meacham. Most of his flying time is in a Mooney M20J, and Piper Warrior. Most of his CFI training was done in a Cessna 172. He has
extensive cross country time flying around the country in a Mooney M20J, and his favorite part
about flying is exploring new areas. Luke’s favorite place to fly is the Ozark Mountains of
Northwest Arkansas. In his free time, he is a guitarist and singer who writes his own music and
plays different venues and open mics.
Craig Despain Jr.
License & Ratings: Commercial ASEL, AMEL, CFI, CFI-I, MEI
Craig DeSpain is a CSEL/CMEL-instrument airplane pilot with CFI, CFII and MEI ratings to include high performance and complex endorsements. He has experience in steam gauges and glass cockpits. He grew up around aviation with his father being an Air Traffic Controller. In 2018 he and his father started a real estate business that he continues to help manage today. With his entrepreneurial spirit, he is always looking for ways to improve his flight instruction and aviation career. He’s been instructing since September of 2022 with a goal of getting to a legacy airline. Outside of flying his other interests include hunting, fishing and road trips.
Kevin Parker
License & Ratings: Commercial ASEL, CFI, CFI-I
Kevin discovered his passion for aviation early in life when his father earned his private pilot certificate and could take him flying. Since then, Kevin has pursued a career in aviation by becoming a commercial pilot and flight instructor. He learned to fly in San Marcos, Texas in a Cessna 172 before earning his instrument, commercial and instructor ratings in Addison, Texas. In his free time Kevin enjoys a day of fishing or golfing, or simply hanging out with friends. .
Lexi Higginbotham
License & Ratings: Commercial ASEL, CFI,
Lexi is a born and raised Texan who always happily had her ‘head in the clouds’ as a child. Falling in love with the skies, she graduated cum laude from TSTC with an Associates of Science in Aviation. Now, as a flight instructor through Rich Aviation, she’s working towards her ATP minimums while encouraging the next generation of pilots. Combining the thrill of general aviation with the highest standard of safety, Lexi truly loves sharing her passion for flight with others. In her freetime, she swaps from sky to sea as a certified Master/Instructor Scuba Diver. Also, beware – she’s always quick to show pictures of her Golden Retriever, Lyla, to others. She hopes you join her in soaring among the clouds!
Aaron Potter
License & Ratings: Commercial ASEL, AMEL, CFI, CFI-I, MEI
Aaron is a native Californian that began his aviation journey when he was 15 years old. Originally only pursuing aviation as a hobby, he then decided to change careers and pursue aviation full time. He now has his CFI, CFII, MEI, commercial multi-engine, tailwheel, high performance, and complex ratings/endorsements. After finishing flight school he moved out to Texas to be closer to his family. He is now doing his best to help shape the next generations of pilots with goals of flying for the airlines. When he is not flying, you can find Aaron at a hockey game, spending time with his family, fishing, camping and writing music.
Contract Turbine Instructors
Jack Harlow
License & Ratings: ATP, CFI, CFII, MEI, Commercial, B737, B757, B767, MU-300, BE-400
Jack began his flying career in 1973 and landed his first job as a flight instructor in 1978. Jack has been flying and instructing in various aircraft, including a Cessna 177 Cardinal, Piper PA-14, Caravan and a Partenavia P68TC. The majority of his instructing is multi-engine training in our Baron 55 and with turbine clients seeking certification in a Cessna 300 or 400 series aircraft.
Ronald Beck
License & Ratings: ATP, CFI, A & P
Ron has over 36 years of flying experience flying aircraft types that range from small single engine Cessnas to Beechcraft King Airs. He received his CFI in 1980 and worked for a Piper and Mooney dealership before moving on to various types of general aviation pilot positions. He has flown air ambulance and forest service contracts in New Mexico and Yellowstone National Park. Currently he teaches in the King Air training program and flies for Justin Industries in their King Air 200.
Instructors Not Pictured:
Hank Kumpunen: King Air
Marvin Ledyard: King Air
Mike Hodge: King Air & Citation 500 Series/Single Pilot Exemption
Tim Carter: Citation 500 Series/Single Pilot Exemption
Dustin Salzer: Twin Cessna, Caravan 208
Don't Be Shy. Get In Touch.
If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you achieve your flying goals, let us know. We will get in touch with you ASAP.