Have you ever dreamed of becoming a pilot? A Discovery Flight might help you make your decision! Designed to show you what flying an airplane is like, a Discovery Flight lesson is your chance to meet our staff and take a tour around our flight school, plus it can be logged in your logbook as lesson #1 for your Private Pilot License.
For just $145, you will get a 30 minute flight in a Cessna 172 and 30 minutes with an instructor.

Discovery Preflight Briefing
Each lesson begins with a tour of our school, our facilities and our services. Next, you will receive a preflight briefing during which an instructor will explain what you are going to do in the flight, taking into account such things as safety, the weather and the aircraft. After answering your questions, you and your instructor will complete a safety walk around of the aircraft called a pre-flight inspection.
Discovery Flight
The second segment of the lesson is the fun part. You FLY! From the pilot’s seat, you will perform the checklist, startup procedures and, after a short demonstration, taxi the aircraft to the runway. Once preflight checks are completed, it is time for takeoff! In the air, you will do most of the flying – learning how to turn, climb, descend and control your airspeed. You will be surprised how easy it really is and how awesome it feels to be the pilot. After joining the traffic pattern at the airport, you and your instructor will land the aircraft. The flight normally takes around 30 minutes.
Discovery Post-Flight Briefing
After taxing and shutting down the aircraft, you will review the flight with your instructor and discuss any remaining questions.
Please call the school at least 48 hours prior to schedule your desired Discovery Flight date. If you have a gift certificate, please bring it with you. You will also need to present a valid government issued ID.